
Inaugural Ember.js Tokyo Meetup

2014-03-18(火)19:00 - 21:30 JST

Engine Yard

東京都渋谷区恵比寿南1-9-4 長谷川力ビル 3階




1,500円 前払い / 2,000円 会場払い
Light food and drinks provided


JavaScript applications are becoming more and more common. At Doorkeeper, Ember.js is our favourite framework for developing them. However, as great as Ember is, the ecosystem as a whole isn't very mature yet, especially with regards to documentation and best practices.

It is our hope that we can get together other Ember.js enthusiasts, so we can share how we're doing things.

For this initial event, let's chat about how we are using Ember. For everyone already using Ember, we'd like you to give a short (max 5 min) presentation about how you're using it, what challenges you had to overcome, and any tips for the group. Please indicate if you'd like to share your experience with us when signing up.

If you haven't used Ember yet, you're also welcome to join us of course!

We'll provide light food and drinks.

19:00 Doors open
19:30 Presentations
20:00 Discussion
21:30 Venue closes


Ember.js Tokyo

Ember.js Tokyo

Ember.js Tokyo is a community of people who are interested in the Ember.js Javascript application framework.
