東京都新宿区西新宿7-20-1 住友不動産西新宿ビル 33F
Registration is closed
Grab a drink and catch up with other Ember.js users.
This talk will be in Japanese
Introduction to Ember CLI, and how it can be convenient during development.
Satoru Kawahara is a front-end developer at Sakura Internet. He has rich experience creating easy to use web applications from UI designs using a wide range of technologies.
This talk will cover some existing plugins for creating forms in Ember, handling validations, potential problems and saving data to server with ember data and without it based on an example application.
Arek Turlewicz loves Sinatra, Ruby on Rails, KnockoutJs and EmberJs. Presently he is working for Mediweb here in Tokyo, where he develops web applications for healthcare, using cutting edge technology.
Discuss the presentations or anything else Ember.js related with the other attendees.
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